Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Going through 1' s and 2's

Oh boy... or should I say Oh Girl?
I have two babes ages 2 and 1 years of age. They sure keep me on my toes. Victor who is two is ALWAYS getting into every nook an cranny in our home. Lilly who is 1 is right behind him... They both are very smart and walking, jumping, climbing and literally getting into everything. I'm so close to locking up everything. One day my husband and I thought all of our four kids were asleep to find out that Victor and Lilly had pulled out the Costco size toilet paper and t.p'd the hallway. Instead of getting really upset I got behind my camera and decided to capture it. This was a great time for me to calm down for the mess that I would be picking up soon after. Yes I scowled them but not the way I would of if I hadn't had the chance to calm down. It's very easy I think to blow your lid at these kind of wonderful occasion's. Sometimes I think it fun to just seat back and laugh. My husband was so funny when this happened he was like what are you doing... I was like at least this way we can capture what they put us through.. When they get older. So they can understand what raising kids is like or what they will get to go through. Pictures are a wonderful memory or family time and love.

Victor and Lilly two days ago got into the 18 pack of eggs mommy just bought and toasted all of them on our hardwood flrs... What a mess.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Stay at home Mom

So I'm turing 30 in just about a week. I have four wonderful children under age 7 and I'm finding myself in a nutshell. I used to be outgoing and had a great social life. Since I've been married for the last 3 years, yes two of the four I married into and take care full time. I'm hoping other moms will find this and maybe give me a clue on how to re-event the wheel. I find it hard to get out alone with out having to take one of the babies along. My husband doesn't offer this up much. He works very hard for the family and I love him very much but he doesn't have a social life and doesn't really care to have one. I on the other hand would love to get out and talk, meet and socialize. I feel very lonely. A feeling I've never incontered before. My extended family doesn't offer to take our kids because there is so many of them and a babysitter is out of the question. We tried the whole babysitter last year when I talked my husband into playing softball. It was a major pain and cost us a small $$. I even got my self into a MOPS group, but again never really made any friends. Now that two of my kids are in Dance, Karate and Gym. I find myself running everywhere for them but when it's time for me like even getting my hair cut my husband always has some sort of excuse or that I need to take the kids. I've very angry with him as he doesn't understand my need to be alone. When I do get the chance I always feel so refreshed and feel more willing to do more. I've explained my feelings and for a week I maybe of made some head way but then it just goes back to the same o same o...

I guess I feel like I'm slipping away. I feel anger, and not feeling why I have to give up so much. I feel I should be able to get away, Meet some friends or even be able to have friends over. I tried to push this on New Years and My husband asked me to cancel... I did because I didn't want to start the New Year with a pissed off husband. I wanted though Our kids to have kids to play with. Since we would not be doing anything fun or going out... Gawd for bid.

How do I show my kids a social life? Besides putting them in everything possiable and running my self ragged?? If my kids are not seeing there parents socialize how can I expect our kids will?

So far my step son who is almost 5 is rude because he is shy.. He's really a sweet loving helpful smart kid but I feel because he isn't around more adults or kids other then pre-school he's going to be shy and rude to new people has he becomes and adult. As you can see I don't want this.

Getting back to myself and the need to socialize. Do I just keep playing softball? Maybe even a cooking class at the local College? Hmm, that sounds like fun... Not. For most this might be fun however I used to work in a Corp world. I worked in the game industry and loved it. This is what brought me to my husband. My passion for the game industry. We used to go snowboarding and walks in the City light. I guess as the kids get older this will turn around and we will be able to do more stuff with the kids... But how do I stop from loosing my mind in the mean time?

How do I demand my needs and or wants? To a husband who is selfish of his needs and very spendthrifty. Of course.

Stay tuned...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Birth Control !!!

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Okay, were do I start. First things first... I'm 29 and when I was 17 I got on the depo shot. Which is a birth control shot that you get every three months. It was wonderful at first because I didn't have to worry about taking a silly pill evermore or wondering if I took one or not. For me it was the best way to go. When I turned 19 I stopped taking it I fell n love and got married. I had tried for almost 6 years to get pregnant with doctors telling me I couldn't That my husband was fine and they couldn't figure out why I was not getting pregnant. Dummy me I didn't even think at this time it could do something with the Depo shot. I ended up getting a divorce with my husband who thought I was crazy because I wanted to be pregnant so bad.... Anyway I've since remarried and after 8 years I finally got pregnant with my son back in Nov 04. And then a another daughter in 05... :-) then because I got scared of having more so soon I jumped back on Depo.. And then after having severe back pain in my lower back came off of Depo in May of this year. I've since have not been able to barely get around my lower back is so week. I've recently had to go in and have a bone destiny test. I will post results when I get them... After many countless hrs on the Internet I'm finding other ladies that where in great shape like myself . Great health and now are bed ridden and are pushing to get back to "Normal" again. this is very scary... I'm worried that Doctors don't really know the impact of this Drug.... I've always been super active and in great shape. However I had other signs as well... Weight gain. Yeah like 40 pounds in 3 months... Hello Red flag. It was crazy... I've been able to maintain a healthy weight now however... It's very struggling to do so. Stay clear of this type of birth control.... To be continued...

Paypal! Don't sign up!!!

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"PAYPAL PROBLEMS" AboutPaypal.org is an Anti-Paypal website created with the sole purpose of exposing the horrors of doing business "The PayPal Way". We are committed to assisting the public in making an informed decision about PayPal. VIRUS ALERT! If you see the email below, DO NOT click on the link. Just delete the email from your mailbox. "Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. To see details please click this link. DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by an automated message system and the reply will not be received." Thank you for using PayPal. "Largest Service Interruption in PayPal History" October 13, 2004 Paypal merchants were outraged again this month due to one of the largest service interruptions in PayPal history. The interruption, which left thousands of paypal merchants without service, resulted in millions of dollars in lost sales for merchants across the country. "We let our community down, and I want to apologize to the users who were affected by these issues," chief executive Meg Whitman said in a conference call with investors. The sad thing is that most PayPal merchants don't understand the importance of having a REAL MERCHANT ACCOUNT of their own. PayPal is not a real merchant account. PayPal's week-long service interruptions certainly won't help anyone's business (including their own). Should I use PayPal to Accept Credit Cards Online? PayPal Provides you with a PayPal Account and not a Real Merchant Account. Your money is deposited into a PayPal account, which PayPal Controls, rather than your own bank account. If PayPal even wonders for a second about the validity of a transaction, they can Freeze Your PayPal Account Immediately and suck all your money out. They can even pull your money directly out of your personal bank account, many times without even a phone call or e-mail. If you think PayPal treated you unfairly and want to dispute their decision, You Will Be At Their Mercy as PayPal plays the role of the Investigator, Judge, Jury and Executioner in all issues regarding your account. (You agreed to all of this, when you signed up.)Sound fair? We don't think so. Explaining your version of what happened, in most cases seems to make no difference. They will refuse to provide you with detailed information from their investigation and will not disclose documents they relied upon to make their decisions. You should expect to wait At Least 6 Months Before You See Your Money Again. In some cases, the wait time can exceed 6 months and run into a shady Grey area, where "Never" Seems To Be A More Realistic Time-Frame. If you want to complain about it, Paypal seems more than happy to give you the run around with Terrible Customer Service including extra long hold times, delays, and dead-end auto-responder e-mails like this one: [Thank you for contacting PayPal. We apologize for the delay in responding to your service request. After review, the decision has been made to keep your account locked. This decision cannot be appealed. If you have any further questions, please reply to this email.] Press them a bit harder and you may convince them to do an investigation. However, don't count on PayPal considering your side of the story in the investigation. Just consider this an easy way to Blow You Off And Get You Off The Phone. PayPal Won't Do That To Me Are You Sure? After all, there are thousands of detailed horror stories posted all over the web about people being Robbed, Abused, Unfairly Treated, Lied To And Scammed By Paypal. If you don't believe it, just type in (PayPal froze my account) into any major search engine. You'll discover thousands of businesses that were ruined by PayPal (And these are only the ones that decided to post their stories online.) Sadly, everyone who gets burned by PayPal thought it couldn't happen to them, and then it did.

Are you ready?

Just how prepared is the entire nation for an emergency like a terrorist attack? And how prepared are you and your family for an emergency in your community, like a power outage, major weather conditions, or a natural ? We live in the Seattle area and just had our power out for a week. I hope that you will find this information helpful should you ever have to encounter what we just went through. Imagine 4 kids and no power. Thank goodness we had wood, and a gas water heater and a gas stove. First Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit: Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation Food, at least a three-day ((((or more)))) supply of non-perishable food Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both Flashlight and extra batteries Fire wood or generator First aid kit Whistle to signal for help Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food) Local maps Second Aware of local government’s emergency or disaster plan One of the important first steps in preparedness is to familiarize yourself with your local community’s emergency or disaster plan. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other state and local government agencies are working hard to protect and prepare our nation for emergencies. This website makes it easy to find appropriate plans and other information simply by clicking on your state on a map. Your neighborhood library is also an excellent resource. The reference section usually has a copy of your city and state plan, or library staff can help you locate it. State Offices and Agencies of Emergency Management are a great resource and have easy links to find plans. You can also download plans directly from state (many of these sites also have links to cities) and city websites. In addition, many states have developed plans for a specific response to a Pandemic Flu outbreak. View your state’s Pandemic Flu plan and make sure you know what to do. Know How To Find The Emergency Broadcast Channel On The Radio “This is a test. This is a test of the Emergency Alert System. This is only a test…” You will occasionally hear or see these words on your local broadcast station, satellite radio, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS), or cable system. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is designed to provide the President with a means to address the American people in the event of a national emergency. Beginning in 1963, the President permitted state and local emergency information to be transmitted using the system. Since then, local emergency management personnel have used the EAS to relay local emergency messages via broadcast stations, cable, and wireless cable systems. In 2005, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) expanded the EAS rules to require EAS participation by digital television (DTV) broadcasters, digital cable television providers, digital broadcast radio, Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS), and DBS systems. Your city or state emergency plan usually has information about how to find the emergency alert and broadcast channel. You may also want to familiarize yourself with your state’s Emergency Alert System plan. The National Weather Service at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration has a site that links to information regarding weather warning and watches, including warnings by state. It’s worth checking out. Seen Or Heard Any Messages That Encourage Preparedness (in the last 30 days) Recently, many websites have been created to help spread the message and encourage preparation and preparedness. Whether you are looking for specific information about what to do in your area, or something more broad like what should be in a "Go" kit, these sites are good places to start: The American Red Cross Ready.gov Ready Kids Ready Business PandemicFlu.gov Many major cities, including Boston, Chicago, Harris County, TX, Los Angeles, Miami-Dade, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. have created special public service announcements and public education efforts to encourage people to prepare. At the national level, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in partnership with The Advertising Council, has sponsored public service advertisements that educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to all kinds of emergencies. The campaign — which includes radio, television and print efforts — asks individuals to do three key things to prepare for the unexpected: get an emergency supply kit, make a family emergency plan, and be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses The Ad Council has declared the PSA effort one of the most successful campaigns in its more than 60-year history. Since its launch the campaign has generated more than $466 million in donated media support. Prepared a Disaster Supply Kit Most experts agree that when preparing for a possible emergency situation — and thinking about what to have in a disaster supply kit — it’s best to think first about the basics of survival: fresh water, food, clean air and warmth. So every emergency supply kit should include (among other items): dog food, cat food… What happens to your pets if you have to leave your home???? Let me know our thoughts or suggestions?? Happy Holidays Also, just so you know we got our power on this last tuesday and some people here in Seattle are still without power. The gas stations lost power so there was only one gas station that had gas. Yeah can you say GENERATOR… It was amazing how quickly Seattle crumbled… The gas line was two hrs long… and some waited longer or had to walk home… We also ran out of wood. Make sure you have a generator or firewood stocked up. Don’t use prop tanks inside it kills…


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I have a few question and I was curious if anyone had the answers? 1) does clearwire network support mobile or only fixed wimax? aka. is it possible to do voip while mobile using clearwire's network? What happens when moving from one antenna to another. Is the network 802.16e ? 2) What is the network coverage and what is the importance of rural areas with regards to business strategy. What regions are Clearwire servicing? 3) What kind of encryption algorithm is used? TDES, AES? If AES, what is the key size? 128, 192 or 256? 4) Are there limits on bandwidth and are limits different for upload and download. 5) What about Sprint? Is Sprint competing now, if not when? Just thought this would be a fun topic. I use Vonage and comcast right now but I'm thinking of switching to Clearwire and even possiable buying stock... I've heard that sprint is also using wimax... And it up and coming Write back let me know your thoughts. Cheers